Amiga Report Distribution Info

Fred Fish and Cronus have come through for Amiga Report again!

Effective immediately, a new mailing list for Amiga Report readers is available. The list will be used for general announcements about the magazine--usually, to inform readers that a new issue of the magazine is now available and online for viewing and downloading, for those who prefer to browse online or FTP from Aminet rather than receive AR in their mailbox.

To subscribe to this list, send e-mail to and in the body of the message, place the text:

subscribe areport-announce

You will be added to the list.

Amiga Report will be distributed in HTML archives on the current, main mailing list. If you wish to continue receiving AR in this form, do nothing. If you are not presently on the list and want the HTML archives sent to you, send to the above address but place

subscribe areport

in the body.

Similarly, if you wish to stop receiving Amiga Report in the mail, send

unsubscribe areport

to the above address.

So, for example, if you are presently an Amiga Report subscriber but wish only to be told when AR is available so you can view it on your favorite AR mirror, you would want to send

subscribe areport-announce
unsubscribe areport


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